

Happy Hour Friday: The Poinsettia

Photo property of the Food Network

If you are in desperate need of a New Year's Eve cocktail to serve tomorrow night, look no further. This tasty poinsettia is truly indicative of the season and only requires three ingredients (most of which you probably already have at home). Serve it in a wine glass with crushed ice and a few strips of orange zest and you are sure to have your guests beggin' for more!

Have a safe and happy New Year! Cheers to 2012!

Adapted from The Food Network

You Will Need:
  • 1/4 cup vodka
  • 1/4 cup Champagne
  • 1/2 cup cranberry juice
  • Crushed ice
  • 2 strips orange zest, each about 1/4-inch wide and 2 inches long

Here We Go:
  • Combine the vodka, champagne and juice in a large-stemmed red wine glass
  • Add crushed ice and stir until the mixture is well chilled
  • Twist the orange strips over the glass, drop them in, and serve

Makes 1 Cocktail
Happy Feasting!

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