

Frozen Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

As part of the packing process, we are also in the process of cleaning out the freezer and refrigerator. I decided this morning that I had enough frozen fruit for a quick and healthy breakfast smoothie. This smoothie is easy and delicious and a great way to start your day!

You Will Need:
  • 1 frozen banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1 Tbsp honey

Here We Go:
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth
  • Pour into glasses and serve.

Makes 2 11oz Servings
Happy Feasting!


  1. delicious combination looks wonderful

  2. Thanks for stopping by. I am follower 101! love this shake and the way you use a mix of yogurt and milk with a touch of orange juice. Very refreshing!

  3. Love the ingredients in this smoothie-the honey and the orange really make it unique. Thanks for posting-its 103 degrees here and I am thirsty!

  4. MMMMM....I love the flavor combination!
