

Welcome to 4 the love of feasting!

If I had to pick one word (well, maybe two words) that my friends might use to describe me I would have to say "food lover". Growing up in a family of people who love celebrating food, I have gained a passion for cooking, entertaining & feasting! I love scouring other blogs & websites for new recipes, collecting recipes from friends as well as attempting to invent my own. Nothing makes me happier than delicious food with good vino and great company!

I hope that this blog will be a great resource for delicious and simple food whether you're cooking for one or ten!

So friends, I give you 4 the love of feasting! Happy Feasting!


  1. Kate I am so excited to see what your blog unveils in the future! If anyone has the creds to talk food, it's you! I love to tell everyone that you are the walking Zagat, so now they can see it for themselves.

  2. Kate! So fun, if you love food blogs - you should check out my dear friend Teresa's blog. She is a food stylist and we work together a lot. Very inspiring. Hope you are well and I will stay tuned to this blog now.

  3. Kate, this is awesome! Can't wait to try out the recipes. Congrats on the blog, it looks great.

  4. Aesome blog....will be back!!!! Love it!


  5. Keith, so glad that you found me and that you will be back!
