

The Elvis

While I was living in New York one of my favorite things to do was go out for any meal. Dinner, lunch or brunch- it didn't matter what meal it was, it was just the fact that we lived in a city with so many incredible restaurants and I wanted to take advantage. There are many "stand-outs" in my mind...the lobster ravioli from Cornelia Street Cafe, the truffled bechamel croque monsieur from Bagatelle, the devils on horseback from Freeman's...the list goes on and on. There was, though, one simple sandwich from a cute little place called Peanut Butter & Co. that I loved and continue to recreate quite a bit for breakfast on an english muffin or for lunch-The Elvis.

You Will Need:
  • 2 slices of bread or an english muffin
  • 1-2 Tbsp peanut butter (I prefer Jif)
  • Honey
  • 1 small banana

Here We Go:
  • Toast bread or english muffin to preference
  • Spread peanut butter on both sides of bread or muffin
  • Slice bananas about 1/4 inch thick and lay on sandwich
  • Drizzle a light layer of honey over bread or muffin
Happy Feasting!

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